Andy J Forest, Music

Renowned Blues Artist
based in New Orleans,
performing around the world.



Mark A. Cote, Blues Revue Magazine

“Some intriguing rock/blues”
“Visionary songwriting skills”
“… Delta R&B sound twisted up with jazz/rock, soul and blues of old.”

John Swenson, OffBeat Magazine

“Causing such mayhem (he) pushes the party limits…”
“One of the best harp players in New Orleans”
“Forest is a blues harmonica wizard”

Blues Access Kathleen A. Rippey for New Orleans’ premier music magazine OffBeatMagazine

“Powerful blowing and tasty riffs…”
“He gets premium sidemen to play with him…”
“… his lyrics are poetic slices of real life and make the songs uniquely his own.”

Blues Access Magazine

“A fine series of intriguing albums …” Original compositions, lusty singing, hot harmonica.” “Distinctly out of the ordinary”